8 Ways to reduce your power bill this winter ❄️

8 ways to reduce your power bill this winter, without freezing!

8 Ways to reduce your power bill

Australian energy prices continue to soar… With many families experiencing bill shock.

We’re also heading into winter: which means a household’s power consumption can increase by 30%!

Our team have come up with some tips to reduce your energy consumption and power bill simultaneously this winter. 

8 Ways to reduce your power bill this winter

1. Layer Up

Before cranking up the heater, put on your winter woollies (jumpers and track pants), thick sockets, and gloves. If still cold, wrap yourself in a blanket, put on a beanie and snuggle up on the couch with a hot water bottle.

2. Block drafts and close curtains/blinds

A simple draft stopper can help stop warm air from escaping and cold air from entering your room. Having your curtains/blinds open during the day will allow the sun to shine in, warming your house throughout the day. Closing them when it gets dark will provide extra insulation and help keep the warm air from escaping.

3. Upgrade appliances to new and more energy-efficient appliances

Newer appliances and new reverse cycle air conditioners are more energy-efficient and cost less to run. Switching to LED lights can also help reduce your power bill. This is because LED lights use 50 to 75% less energy than traditional lights.

4. Control the temp and only heat the room you are using

If your winter woollies aren’t doing the trick, certainly turn your heater on.  Aim for a heat of around 18-20° in the heat settings. This is the most energy efficient setting. Every degree above this increases your energy consumption by 10%. Heating and cooling account for around 50% of the average Australian household’s power bills, so the costs can quickly add up.

If you use zoned heating, heat only the rooms you are using, and close doors to areas and rooms that aren’t in use. As stated above, aim for a heat of around 18-20° in the heat settings.

5. Reverse your ceiling fan

If you have a ceiling fan, you should use it. Most ceiling fans have a reverse setting; in reverse, the fan spins backwards, pushing warm air back down towards you.

6. After cooking, leave the oven door open

If you have used your oven for cooking, you can leave the oven door open and let that heat radiate out once you have turned your oven off. As the oven is off, it will not use any power or (more dangerously) gas. Doing this can greatly reduce your power bill.

7. Keep showers short (jump in together)

About a third of household energy is used by heating hot water. It might seem like a good idea to take an hour-long shower on a cold winter’s morning. But you can get just as clean in 5 minutes. You’ll significantly reduce your power bill costs if you cut back on your hot water usage. That includes using the cold water setting on your washing machine.  

8. Turn appliances off at the wall (standby power)

Standby power refers to the energy drawn down by an appliance when it’s not in use. Even though you have turned off an appliance, it may still be using power. Standby power can cost the average household up to $100 per year. That’s why we recommend turning off appliances at the wall to help further reduce your power bill.

These are just a few simple suggestions. You can use them, adapt them or add more to suit your specific needs. To further reduce your power bill, it’s also a good idea to shop around, compare plans from retailers. for you and your energy usage. Before shopping around, know your energy usage. For example, this is a snapshot of the average Australian home energy usage.

  • Heating and Cooling: 40%

  • Appliances and equipment, including refrigeration & cooking: 33%

  • Water heating: 21%

  • Lighting: 6%

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